The variable types are: Bit can hold only the value 0 or 1 Byte can hold a whole number 0 to 255 Integer (two bytes) are whole numbers from -32,768 to +32,767 Word (two bytes) are unsigned numbers ranging in value from 0 to Long (four bytes) are whole numbers with values from to Single (four bytes) are decimal numbers with values from 1.5 x 10^ 45 to 3.4 x 10^38 String (up to 254 bytes) are a series of letters Type the following program into the edit window. You use Dim variable_name As variable_type to declare a variable. Declaring a variable tells the compiler what kind of information the variable will hold so how much memory will be needed to store it. What evidence do you have for this? Program 2 of 5ģ Change the program to make the middle two LEDs light up Program 3 Variables have to be declared before they are used in BASCOM-AVR. A 0 lights up an LED and a 1 turns an LED off. Type this program into the edit window Rem Set up Port B as an output port Out &h37, &hff Rem Send 01H to the output port Out &h38, &h02 End Now click on to compile (turn Basic to machine code). To use the LEDs we need to set all port B pins as outputs so send to address 37H. The LEDs on the STK200 are connected to port B has address 38H, the data direction register for port B is at address 37H. Information in the data direction register sets the direction, a 0 means input and a 1 means output. Each pin on a port can be used as an input or an output.

Start writing a new program Go to File -> New Or pressing of 5Ģ Program 1 There are two ports on the 90S2313 AVR microcontroller. Connect the power lead to 12v from the power supply and turn on the power supply and the power switch on the STK200. Connect the starter kit to the parallel port using the lead provided. The kit is fitted with the Atmel 90S2313 AVR microcontroller. The STK200 starter kit is designed to help engineers quickly get used to using the AVR microcontroller. Set up the chip Go to Options -> Compiler -> Chip in the Chip drop down menu select 2313def.dat Select the Communication tab and in the Frequency drop down menu select Connecting the starter kit Semiconductor manufacturers provide starter kits to make it easy for engineers to learn about the manufacturers parts to encourage them to use them in their designs. Set up the programmer Go to Options -> Programmer and in the Programmer drop down menu select STK200/STK300 Programmer. To use BASCOM-AVR open the applications folder on the desktop and double click BASCOM-AVR.
A free version BASCOM-AVR is available from MCS Electronics from their website at BASCOM-AVR uses an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which allows you to write and edit programs, compile them, test them with a simulator and finally write the program to the microcontroller for use in a circuit all from one program. 1 Programming in BASCOM-AVR The AVR is a powerful modern microcontroller produced by a company called Atmel BASCOM-AVR is a compiler that uses a version of Basic very similar to QBASIC to produce programs for the AVR.